Lenten Devotion Day 10 March 4, 2023

Today’s reading from Good Courage referred to the Star Thrower, or Star Fish story by Loren Eiseley. There are lots of versions of it online, in text form, and as videos. It’s a simple, inspiring story, that addresses the question of whether good, but small actions are worth doing, in the face of the world’s overwhelming problems and needs.

Here is an interpretation created about a year ago:

Just 3 good things


I woke up with an idea, and a song in my head.

The idea is that I want to do three good things today. Not the usual, routine things that are part of most days, but new things. I intend to spend some time thinking about what I can do, planning how to do it, and then doing it.

I figure this 3 step process that leads to doing 3 things, actually adds up to 9 new things for me.

Since we are spending most of our time at home, seeing the same people, in the same space- this might be a bit of challenge. Are you up for it?

I would love to hear what 3 good things you come up with.

Oh, the song in my head isĀ Seventh Wave by Sting.